
Facebook New Motions

Many people still dont know how to use Facebook Smiley  when they are chatting on facebook. Facebook has actually upgraded their chat modul several times so we can add more smileys than the old ones. This new chat code we are talking about is really a new ones released in the year of 2012. This list of smileys is not animated though, we will discuss it on another post for Animated Smiley Code on Facebook

What we have to do to insert the new smileys is simply type or paste the code on your message or chat box at facebook. Here are the chat codes :

laugh   [[f9.laugh]]

sad   [[f9.sad]]

angry   [[f9.angry]]

sleepy   [[f9.sleepy]]

shock   [[f9.shock]]

kiss   [[f9.kiss]]

inlove   [[f9.inlove]]

pizza   [[]]

coffee   [[]]

rain   [[f9.rain]]

bomb   [[f9.bomb]]

sun   [[f9.sun]]

heart   [[f9.heart]]

heartbreak   [[f9.heartbreak]]

doctor   [[]]

ghost   [[f9.ghost]]

brb   [[f9.brb]]

wine   [[]]

gift   [[]]

adore   [[f9.adore]]

angel   [[f9.angel]]

baloons   [[f9.baloons]]

bowl   [[f9.bowl]]

cake   [[f9.cake]]

callme   [[f9.callme]]

clap   [[f9.clap]]

confused   [[f9.confused]]

curllip   [[f9.curllip]]

devilface   [[f9.devilface]]

lying   [[f9.lying]]

That’s all for now. The above list of smiley will probably be updated later depends on their update. Happy chatting on facebook. Have Fun :D
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Membuat gambar dengan efek angin dengan photoshop

( Click all images to zoom !! )

Buka aplikasi Photoshop.
Buat Field atau Project  baru, bisa dengan shortcut  (Ctrl + N) dengan ukuran width = 1200 px, height = 500 px dan backgroundnya pilih transparent.

Kemudian nanti pastikan warna background atau latar belakang pada layer atau project atau kanvas anda hitam, jika tidak ketik huruf (D) pada keyboard.
Setelah anda tekan huruf (D), lalu tekan (alt + backspace) Pada keyboard, maka warna background akan berubah menjadi hitam. Jika tidak bisa, anda bisa menggunakan cara yang manual untuk member  warna hitam pada layer.

Kemudian buat tulisan atau teks  dengan Type Tools, beri arna teksnya dengan warna putih, dan pastikan berada pada tengah-tengah layer,  dengan ukuran teks atau font size 90 pt karena ini sangat penting. Ukuran ini agak besar karena gambar disesuaikan dengan contoh yang kita gunakan.

Gabungkan kedua layer dengan menekan "ctrl + shift + E" secara bersamaan. Kemudian kita akan blur layer.  Klik pada menu utama, Filter-> Blur-> Gaussian Blur, dengan radius 2 pixel.

Setelah efek blur diperoleh, kita  akan mengkonversi teks ke solarize, cara membuatnya Filter-> Stylize-> Solarize. Lalu buatlah duplikat layer dengan menekan "ctrl + A" maka layer akan diduplikat sendiri.

Dari sini kita akan bekerja dengan layer baru yang digandakan tadi (layer 1 copy). Buat layer baru untuk untuk diberi polar coordinates, menunya ada di Filter-> Distort-> Polar Coordinates, jangan lupa untuk memilih "Polar to Rectangular".

Selanjutnya cari menu Image-> Image-rotation> 90 CW, maka teks akan berputar 90 derajat.

Dan balik layer ini atau tekan (Ctrl + i), beri efek angin dengan wind, menu di Filter -> Stylize -> Wind, dengan metode: direction: from the right, lalu tekan tombol (F) dua kali untuk iterasi dari proses ini. Lalu tekan (Ctrl + Shift + L) untuk membuat jelas warnanya, lalu tekan lagi (Ctrl + i) untuk kembali ke menormalkan layernya dan kemudian tekan (Ctrl + F) tiga kali berturut-turut. Setelah proses ini selesai, kembali ke kanvas dan pilih Image -> Image Rotation -> 90 CCW, lihat screenshot setelah kembali ke kanvas.

Lalu cari menu  Filter -> Distort -> Polar Coordinates, klik pada tombol radio button pilih "rectangular to polar" (tidak sama dengan yang pertama).

Setelah di sini, tarik layer pertama ke urutan di bawah bagian atas palet layer. Kemudian klik menu drop, berubah dari "normal" menjadi "screen". Dari sini hasilnya mulai terlihat, gabungkan lapisan kedua dengan menekan (Ctrl + Shift + E) pada keyboard. Untuk mempercantik, cari menu Image -> Adjustments -> Hue / Saturation. Jangan lupa untuk periksa dulu Colorize (dicentang secara default) dan beri warna sesuai dengan selera Anda.

dan lihat hasilnya:

Semoga bermanfaat :)
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download filezilla client and server

FileZilla is a software used to go hirearki or directory from a website without going through an interface or service provider website. FileZilla is running on port 21 on the internet, if a friend has a website and do not want to be too long to upload images into a web or a web directory of friends, you can use the FileZilla client.
FileZilla Client is a fast and reliable cross-platform FTP, FTPS and SFTP client with lots of useful features and an intuitive graphical user interface.
Among others, the features of FileZilla include the following :
- Easy to use
- Supports FTP, FTP over SSL/TLS (FTPS) and SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
- IPv6 support
- Available in many languages
- Supports resume and transfer of large files greater than 4GB
- Powerful Site Manager and transfer queue
- Bookmarks
- Drag & drop support
- Configurable transfer speed limits
- Filename filters
- Network configuration wizard
- Remote file editing
- Keep-alive
- HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 and FTP-Proxy support
- Logging to file

Note* :

Just install filezilla client if you as client of web hosting.

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download games bloody roar ( portable )

This time my friends want to share a very interesting games of Bloody Roar, these games are very exciting because we will be opposite the great enemy of the enemy, let alone that I provide is portable, so its size is very light, just friends Download .
Hudson Entertainment Inc. and Konami Digital Entertainment – America are proud to announce the release of Bloody Roar 2 for the North American 2 computer entertainment systems. Published by Hudson, Bloody Roar 2, the most ferocious title in the popular fighting game series, packs a powerful punch.

The rich 3D graphics, interactive environments and unique “hyper-beast” gameplay style of Bloody Roar 2 thrust players in to the heart of the action as they battle their way through ten distinct stages. As the intensity rises, players can transform into a fierce “hyper-beast” alter ego in an effort to knock-out their enemy. Choosing from more than 18 fighters with their own gut-wrenching signature moves, Bloody Roar 2 pumps more power, blood and gore into the 3D fighting series than ever before.

The game features eight gameplay modes that allow for button-mashing fun (Arcade Mode, Time Attack Mode, Sparring Mode, Versus Mode, etc.) as well as in-depth character development in the Career Mode. Bloody Roar 2 further advances the series with the introduction of a multitude of new features including three new characters and a “Zoanthropes Gauge” that allows players to manage power and health during matches. Additionally, players can modify their character’s skill set by defeating enemies to acquire their opponents’ moves after they have been defeated or to unlock special new abilities in the Career Mode. Bloody Roar  2 will bring out the true animal in gamers!

Note* :

This game is portable just click on application to getting started and playing this game. and dont close any program and pop up when this game still running, Make so Easy :)

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