Installing Avast is a painless process that compares well against its free competitors like AVG, although--like those competitors--it's much slower than installing paid programs like Trend Micro, Kaspersky, or Norton.
Some items of note during the installation that will come up later in the review: to completely avoid the new Windows 7 and Vista desktop gadget, or the new WebRep browser add-on, you must choose the Custom install option and uncheck those here.
Automatic installation of these features is frowned upon, although Avast does provide a clear method for uninstalling them. It's just not as simple as a check box that gets its own installation window, since you have to go through the Customize menu, which makes the auto-install sort of surreptitious.
On the plus side, installing Avast doesn't require a reboot, and using its uninstall tool we detected no remnants in the Registry or on the desktop. Avast has said that the installer has shrunk for all three versions by about 20 percent, although it's still a large download at around 57MB for the free version.
Some items of note during the installation that will come up later in the review: to completely avoid the new Windows 7 and Vista desktop gadget, or the new WebRep browser add-on, you must choose the Custom install option and uncheck those here.
Automatic installation of these features is frowned upon, although Avast does provide a clear method for uninstalling them. It's just not as simple as a check box that gets its own installation window, since you have to go through the Customize menu, which makes the auto-install sort of surreptitious.
On the plus side, installing Avast doesn't require a reboot, and using its uninstall tool we detected no remnants in the Registry or on the desktop. Avast has said that the installer has shrunk for all three versions by about 20 percent, although it's still a large download at around 57MB for the free version.

Ditulis Oleh : Unknown ~ i-SkyNet News

followback blog ane gan
@cOMENTATOR: Okey gan berangkat kesana langsung :)
thaks gan
makasih sob segera ane sedot...
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@Tikus Got.. hhehehe lucu: Iya gan sama2.. :)
anti virus yang mantaaaaap
@Smilenet4u: Okey gan terima kasih ya sudah berkunjung :)
silahkan di sedot!!
@All: Thanks coment dan Testimoni kalian :)
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Numpang CommEnt jUga..
@Maphia black: Monggo silahkan... Hhehe :)
makasih ya...
I'm Here Soni..!!
@Maphia: Hhehe Okey kawan :)
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