
Semua masalah waktu

Terkadang ia menjadi obat paling mujarab untuk menyembuhkan kepedihan, mengobati kesedihan, luka karena kehilangan, dan perasaan-perasaan tak enak sejenisnya. Karena dengan terus mengiringi jalannya, lambat laun semua perasaan-perasaan tak enak tersebut akan hilang, dengan mengikuti perputarannya perasan-perasaan itu akan lenyap, dan semuanya akan kembali baik-baik saja… Perasaan galau?? Termasuk salah satunya. Percayalah, seiring berjalan nya waktu, semua kegundahan, kegalauan yang kamu rasakan akan menemukan titik terangnya, seiring perputarannya semua itu akan berubah jadi sebaliknya, jadi lebih indah tentunya  :)

Waktu, terkadang ia juga bisa menjadi jawaban terbaik untuk semua pertanyaan yang rumit tentang masa lalu, cinta, tentang hidup, dan berbagai hal-hal misterius lainnya. (setuju atau tidak, tapi bagi saya, ketiga hal tersebut termasuk dalam golongan hal-hal misterius, kadang masuk akal, dan kadang kala tidak)  :)  Ya, waktu akan menjawab semua pertanyaan gymng tak pernah kamu temukan jawabannya. Karenanya, jangan terlalu panik, cemas, atau pun memforsir segala sesuatunya, seiring berjalan nya waktu, kamu akan menemukan jawaban-jawaban untuk semua pertanyaan tersebut, dengan izin Allah SWT pula tentunya  :)

Dan Waktu, terkadang ia bisa jadi jurang pemisah bagi sebuah hubungan. Ia bisa saja jadi pedang pembelah yang ganas bagi sebuah persahabatan.  Meskipun antara orang yang satu dan yang lainnya masih berpijak di bumi yang sama, masih bernaung di langit yang sama, masih bisa menatap rembulan yang sama, dan bahkan masih berada di negara atau kota yang sama, lambat laun karena waktu, toh mereka akan berjarak satu dengan yang lain bukan? Entah itu karena kesibukan masing-masing, karena kurangnya komunikasi, karena jarak yang memisahkan, dan pada ujungnya, karena berjalannya waktu, hubungan itu bisa saja akan berubah, akan terasa hambar mungkin. Karena nya kita dituntut bijak dalam menyikapi hal yang satu ini, agar waktu tidak merampas tali persaudaraan dan persahabatan yang sudah kita jalin. Karenanya, jadikanlah komunikasi sebagai jembatan penghubungnya.

Namun beruntunglah ia, orang-orang yang mampu mengendalikan waktu. (bukan mengendalikan waktu seperti yang bisa dilakukan doraemon dengan mesin waktunya atau ninja hatori dengan jurus menghentikan waktunya yaa :)  ), tapi orang-orang yang bisa memanfaatkan perputaran setiap detik itu dengan baik, karena pada hakikatnya, dalam setiap detik itu akan ada pelajaran yang bisa kita dapat. Seiring berjalannya waktu, harusnya ada perubahan pola pikir kita, seiring berjalannya waktu, harusnya ada peningkatan sikap, seiring berjalannya waktu, harusnya ada pencapaian yang lebih baik, seiring berjalannya waktu harusnya ada banyak perubahan ke arah yang lebih baik pada diri kita, manusia. Karena sungguh, kita tidak akan pernah tau sampai kapan kita bisa menikmati perjalanan waktu tersebut, kita tidak pernah tau berapa lagi sisa waktu yang Allah SWT beri untuk kita di dunia ini, bisa saja 5 detik lagi, 60 menit lagi, 1 bulan lagi, 365 hari lagi, entah laahh..

Tapi dibalik itu semua, percayalah pada kata-kata “semua akan indah pada waktunya”.  Ya, semuanya, masalah pekerjaan, karir, pendidikan, jodoh, apapun itu, akan indah pada waktunya. Semua itu akan indah di saat yang tepat, di waktu yang tepat. Saat yang terbaik menurut Sang pemutar dan pemilik waktu itu sendiri, Allah ta’ala. Karena percayalah, Allah SWT telah mempersiapkan rencana-rencana terindah di waktu terbaik untuk masing-masing hamba NYA.

So guys, Let’s do all the best in the rest of time that we had.  Let’s keep our remaining time with all of useful things in this world…  :)
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download easy gif animation

Easy GIF Animator is powerful yet very easy to use software for creating and editing animated GIF images. With this animated GIF editor you can easily create animated GIF pictures, banners and buttons in no time. You can use special features to add stunning visual effects and prepare your animation for publishing on your web page. Easy GIF Animator supports all types of GIF animation and provides high compression and great quality for your animated GIF images. To top it all off, Easy GIF Animator is the best priced animated GIF editor on the market today.

With Easy GIF Animator You Can :

- Easily create animated banners, pictures and buttons
- Create animated GIF images from scratch
- Edit and modify animated GIF images
- Add visual effects to your GIF animation
- Create moving text effects
- Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster
- Preview GIF animation in web browser
- Resize whole animations at once
- Manage animation frames
- Set animation loop count and frame duration
- Extract separate animation frames
- Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it
- Easily set transparency
- Add sound to your animation
- Save animation in SWF Flash format
- Search the Web to find images for use in your animation
- Export GIF animation to AVI format
- Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation
- Generate HTML code for publishing animation on the web

*Note :

To activated this software copy serial number in file install notes and paste after you click activated button while you open this program.

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Mozilla firefox 9.0.1

The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all. User Experience. The enhancements to Firefox provide the best possible browsing experience on the Web. The new Firefox smart location bar, affectionately known as the "Awesome Bar," learns as people use it, adapting to user preferences and offering better fitting matches over time.

Performance. Firefox is built on top of the powerful new Gecko platform, resulting in a safer, easier to use and more personal product.

Security. Firefox raises the bar for security. The new malware and phishing protection helps protect from viruses, worms, trojans and spyware to keep people safe on the Web.

Customization. Everyone uses the Web differently, and Firefox lets users customize their browser with more than 5,000 add-ons.

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Download avira antivirus

The bottom line: An aggressive redesign aimed at making its best-known suite more accessible than before, Avira Free Antivirus 12 combines fast scans with above-average protection for a solid security combo.
Free antivirus maker Avira debuts a laundry list of changes in its latest major update, basically repositioning the suite to remain competitive in the face of tougher competition from other free security suites and a renewed emphasis on performance from paid competitors. From the new breezy installation to the modernized interface and reputable security, the suite has a lot going for it.

However, it notably lacks some features that many people consider basics even at the free level, so this version may only wind up appealing to existing Avira users and fans.

Longtime Avira fans will note that the suites also have undergone a bit of a name change. The product title "AntiVir" has been dropped, as Avira AntiVir Personal becomes Avira Free Antivirus, Avira AntiVir Premium becomes Avira Antivirus Premium, and Avira Premium Security Suite becomes Avira Internet Security. While product-specific names may work for some companies because of legacy associations, such as the Norton product from Symantec, new user confusion has likely forced security suite makers to streamline their operations.

The suites have also skippped version 11, perhaps driven by a Spinal Tap-esque fear of exploding amps, and gone straight to version 12. It's also possible that the company was thinking of aligning the version number with the release year, as most security suites released in the fall have version numbers that reflect the coming year.

Getting into Avira has never been easier, as version 12 debuts a two-click install. The company says that it developed the two-click installation as part of its "less is more" strategy, where it offers the same level of protection as before without the hassle. Of course, that's a tacit acknowledgement of prior problems.

Anyway, the new install is the simplest of the major free security suites. The two-click process will auto-detect competing security components and remove them, so be warned if you think you're going to be more secure by running two overlapping AVs. Avira won't let you.

Another click will take you past the toolbar and search engine re-direct, but at least Avira is polite: it's an opt-in, not opt-out, experience. The toolbar screen itself is a bit unclear: it's actually Avira's WebGuard feature, powered by an search engine that's part of the toolbar. There's also an option to have become your browser's default engine, although that's not checked by default.

At the end of the installation process, Avira will begin a quick scan. On our test machine, it took about 1 minute, 25 seconds to complete, a completely reasonable wait to endure before the suite is ready to go.

The new interface is simple and mimics that of many competitors. A left nav shows you your tools, while the center pane focuses on a deeper dive into your security. New on-off buttons make it easy to toggle features, although it's noteworthy that the free version is quite restricted when compared with the free competition.

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iptables is a user space application program that allows a system administrator to configure the tables provided by the Linux kernel firewall (implemented as different Netfilter modules) and the chains and rules it stores. Different kernel modules and programs are currently used for different protocols; iptables applies to IPv4, ip6tables to IPv6, arptables to ARP, and ebtables for Ethernet frames.

Iptables requires elevated privileges to operate and must be executed by user root, otherwise it fails to function. On most Linux systems, iptables is installed as /usr/sbin/iptables and documented in its man page,[2] which can be opened using man iptables when installed. It may also be found in /sbin/iptables, but since iptables is more like a service rather than an "essential binary", the preferred location remains /usr/sbin.

iptables is also commonly used to inclusively refer to the kernel-level components. x_tables is the name of the kernel module carrying the shared code portion used by all four modules that also provides the API used for extensions; subsequently, Xtables is more or less used to refer to the entire firewall (v4,v6,arp,eb) architecture.

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Download packet tracer 5.3

Packet Tracer is a powerful network simulator that can be utilized in training for CCNATM  and CCNPTM certification exam by allowing students to create networks with an almost unlimited number of devices and to experience troubleshooting without having to buy real CiscoTM routers or switches.

The current version of Packet Tracer supports an array of simulated Application layer protocols (HTTP, DNS, …), as well as basic routing with RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP, to the extent required by the current CCNATM curriculum. With the introduction of version 5.3, several new features were added, including BGP, which is part of the CCNPTM curriculum.

While Packet Tracer aims to provide a realistic simulation of functional networks, the application itself utilizes only a small number of features found within the actual hardware running a current Cisco IOSTM.

The current version of the Packet Tracer network simulator software is version 5.3.2. This is a maintenance release which replaces the previous version 5.3.1 and fixes technical issue.
Packet tracer 5.3 version introduced new protocol support and enhanced functionalities :

    * VOIP : Call Manager Express (CME) enabled on 2811 router.
    * Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) – limited implementation that allows for a more realistic representation of the Internet for scenarios
    * Wireless : Improved LinksysTM WRT-300N router and WEP security algorithm support.
    * Cable and DSL devices enhancements
    * FTP server and client. FTP client on router and switches.
    * Email server and client (SMTP and POP3)
    * Generic IP end devices (servers, printers, VOIP device, phone, wireless tablet) to create more versatility in device creation
    * Activity Wizard Initial Tree enhancements  (more scenario variations allowed).

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Disable keyboard function

Disable all keyboard functions to prevent someone who wants to easily copy-paste the article or your writing.
You can Disable all keyboard functions with this script: Use [Ctrl + C] to Copy!!

if (document.layers)
function vans(e){
var message="[-[Fuck !!]-] [-[---SoNi SiteZ---]-] [-[Fuck !!]-]"
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==97||e.which==65)
return false;
else if (document.all){
if (event.keyCode==97||event.keyCode==65)
return false;

After  you copy the script is finished,  Go to Design - Element Page  - Add Widget - Select  HTML / Javascript and paste the code before and save it.
To test this please see your blog and try to type the letter [A] if there is a meaningful message script successfully. May be useful :).

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The Matrix Text Effect

Matrix  Text Effect is a script that is unique and can be used in various  ways, for example, you can click on the page of my personal information. Click Here !!.
And the picture is like this example:

[-[ ]-]

To download the script please click the image below and save files, try the Mozilla Firefox browser you use because the site is just full support of browsers that support javascript.
Text [] you can later change yourself. be at the bottom of the script writing. Hopefully Helpful :).

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Download WinHTTrack - Website Tools

HTTrack is an easy-to-use offline browser utility. It allows you to transfer a World Wide Web site from the Internet to a local directory, building recursively all structures, getting html, images, and other files from the server to your computer. Links are rebuilt relatively so that you can freely browse to the local site (works with any browser).

You can mirror several sites together so that you can jump from one to another. You can, also, update an existing mirror site, or continue an interrupted transfer. The robot is fully configurable, with many options and features. The program is Open Source.

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cross hair cursor on site

Cross-hair  cursor is a cursor like a plus sign,  like Sniper wrote. Hhehe this time I will be sharing how to put on our blog.

Okey just if you are interested to install it in your blog, Please log in to your account once your blog:

1. Go to Dashboard - Design - Add html or javascript.
2. You just directly copy the script below, after the block to use Ctrl + C.

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

3.  Do not forget the Save yes. and see the results, may be useful for you. Continue  and spirit for bloggers. because this is a positive thing.  keep a blog as a positive place  to share knowledge.  especially for young people and our brothers. :)

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Download Adobe Photoshop Cs-3

In 1987, Thomas Knoll, a PhD student at the University of Michigan began writing a program on his Macintosh Plus to display grayscale  images on a monochrome display. This program, called Display, caught the attention of his brother John Knoll, an Industrial Light & Magic employee, who recommended Thomas turn it into a fully-fledged image editing program. Thomas took a six month break from his studies in 1988 to collaborate with his brother on the program, which had been renamed ImagePro.  Later that year, Thomas renamed his program Photoshop and worked out a short-term deal with scanner manufacturer Barneyscan to distribute copies of the program with a slide scanner; a "total of about 200 copies of Photoshop were shipped" this way.

During this time, John traveled to Silicon Valley and gave a demonstration of the program to engineers at Apple and Russell Brown, art director at Adobe. Both showings were successful, and Adobe decided to purchase the license to distribute in September 1988. While John worked on plug-ins in California, Thomas remained in Ann Arbor writing program code. Photoshop 1.0 was released in 1990 for Macintosh exclusively.

New productivity features include a streamlined interface, improved Camera RAW support, better control over print options, enhanced PDF  support, and better management with Adobe Bridge. Editing tools new to CS3 are the Clone Source palette and nondestructive Smart Filters. Other features such as the brightness and contrast adjustment and Vanishing Point module were enhanced. The Black and White adjustment option improves control over manual grayscale conversions with a dialog box similar to that of Channel Mixer. Compositing is assisted with Photoshop's new Quick Selection and Refine Edge tools and improved image stitching technology.

Photoshop is available in the following languages:

Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish and Ukrainian.
The Arabic, Greek, and Hebrew versions are available from Winsoft.

( Support: Windows XP )

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screen saver or energy saving mode

Screen  Saver or Energy Saving is a program where when a site or a site in the open, but in a few moments none of activities conducted  by a visitor on that page,  then the Screen Saver will appear automatically for the  cover page, cool right??

To make it do  the following steps:

1. Download first has JavaScript files, Click here !! Save Files.
2. Edit the file according to your needs, and if it is save the file with the extension. Js Example: saversonisisitez.js.
3. Do not forget to save as type choose all files.
4. After that upload the javascript you had to hosting you, do not forget to copy the location of files or Url of your javascript file earlier.
5. Find <head> code on your blog, do not be confused usually this code at the top of the blog's HTML.
6. Replace the code right above <head> code like this:

<script src=''/>

7.  Do not forget the code that I  marked in red are replaced by Url or location of your javascript file, save the template and installation  was completed. After that look at the blog and wait a few seconds to see the screen saver, I hope  useful.

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disable right click

This  Javascript function to disable right click on the web page or blog, if any visitors try to right-click will be no warning  as you want in editing  has JavaScript, you can see  this javascript function on my page that is.

To make it please you do  the steps below:

1. Download the script,, Click here !! Save Files.
2.Log in to blogger - Design - Add Widget - Select HTML or Javascript, then copy all the scripts that you downloaded earlier and paste the widget javascript or HTML, as well as store and see the results you are trying to do right click. Hopefully Helpful :).

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splash page or preload on site and blog

Splash  Page or Pre Load is a  page or initial display  when a site or a site  in the open.  For example you can visit my page  Click here !!, if  there had not let the initial view on the close after a few seconds and then will appear  the original page, and you can edit the script as needed.

If  you are interested to  make it please follow the steps below:

1. Download first file has JavaScript,  Click here !!.
2. Save the file with the extension. Js, Example: splashsonisitez.js. Do not forget to save as type you select the all files.
3. Upload the file. Js / Javascript web hosting had to belong to you and copy link location or splash your URL.
4. Log in to Blogger - Design - Edit Page - Add Widget - Select the HTML or Javascript. Then enter the code as below:
<script src=''></script>

5.  And do not forget to save,  please see the result.

Note: The note that I marked with red color you please replace with your own splash page url earlier.
Download the script that you were also able to edit as necessary. Hopefully Helpful :).

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swf quicker ( sothink )

Swf quicker is software that is used to create a flash file. With this software you can create flash animation with easy because the software is very user friendly when in use even for beginners though. Congratulations to learn with this software. This additional information for this software:

Advanced Control of Flash by ActionScript :

* An intelligent ActionScript Editor which supports Syntax Highlighting, Auto Completion and Dynamic Prompt is embedded in the Flash Editor.
* Able to design interactive game with ActionScript 2.0/3.0 Class and Object Oriented programming.

Rich Built-in Templates and Animated Effects :

* Over 60+ built-in animated effects and 7 Flash filters.
* Abundant Flash templates of Flash Album, Banner, Navigation Button and Slide Show.

Powerful Flash Creation & Vector Drawing Tools :

* Provides Flash Creation function like timeline, shape design, Motion/Shape/Image Tween, and so on.
* Provides Object Snapping, Pixel Snapping and Snap Alignment to align objects.
* Full set of vector drawing tools, such as Rectangle, Pen, Brush, Eraser, Paint Bucket, etc.

*Note :

A 30-day trial period is provided once the program is installed. If you do like this powerful tool, please buy it to obtain the registration number.

If you are trying an earlier version of Sothink SWF Quicker, once the latest program is installed, the trial time limit for the old version will become invalid, and you also can try this latest version for 30 days.

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Auda City

Long time no blog updates, so the miss and missed by friends and a good friend of bloggers in cyberspace. This time I want to thank everyone who has ever visited this simple blog, maybe I don't think there are many friends who always support, especially for my family and my brothers, whether in cyberspace or the real.

Already a lot of knowledge I can from blogging in this virtual world, a good friend and one of mutual respect for each other makes me very fond of bloggers and know about the lives of all matters relating to the value of life.

That's why I wanted to just share Auda City sharing of software in use to edit files in the form of audio, I hope if there is a blogger friend who was expert in using this software for its science with me, because I want to edit MP3 just hard not to play. Hhehehe, please yes my friend you know if anyone can use this software! Thank you for visiting and testimony on this blog. Xixixixiii :-D!

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make cool titlebar

I have not updated the blog, Hhehe understand there are many tasks waiting, this time I wanted to share the script Unique Title Bar To friend as well.
Continue what he called his own title bar? Title bar is the name of the blog is located at the top of your browser, if the companions are many who use the Title bar to walk, this time I'll share the script makes Title bar that is almost similar to mine this.

Hhehe if friends are interested in the Title bar that is almost similar to mine this. Please friend can download the script, just log in to your Blogger account companions choose New Gadget, continue to add HTML / Javascript, and enter the script, Save Template and See the results.
Hopefully useful for friends everything. :)

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Download AIMP 02 Software for Music

Hhehe long time I did not update the blog mainly to share the software to the friend of all bloggers, the opportunity this time Iwanted to to share the software to the friend of all AIMP 02 .
Of course, friends must have known what the function of this software, such as Winamp or software applications in use to listen to music of course, lighter so many who love this software.

Not for long if the friend wanted to download it please, but for those who already have this software is not anything for the past. Hhehehe
Hopefully useful and I would like to thank friends who are often left  Testimony on my blog this quiet. I hope you guys keep the spirit:)

AIMP audio player supports many audio formats such as OGG, MP3, WMA, WAV etc. This program is not just a player, it includes an audio converter, an audio ripper, an audio recorder, a tag editor and lots of other features.

There are additional plugins and skins from the official website for AIMP2. As an audio player it produces crystal-clear sound which essentially differs from Winamp or WMP. AIMP supports adjustment of global and local hot keys and has a sensitive equalizer. It's audio converter works fine with wma,mp3,ogg,wav formats. AudioGrab allows you to overtake an AudioCD to Mp3,OGG,WMA or WAV.
Although its multiple functions AIMP2 is a small program using minimum of resources.


1) Sound Card
2) DirectX 8.1 or above
3) 3 Mb at HDD

* for Win2K you need installed GDI+ Library

The free AIMP2-player will play everything-from various audio-formats to audio-CDs. AIMP2 comes with an integrated equalizer so that you can really get the best out of every song you listen to. The program also offers a lot of useful functions like a smooth transition between the songs in a playlist and automatic volume control. To top the package, this freeware player comes with an integrated audio-converter, a sleep function, a tag editor, an audio-grabber and an audio-recorder.  If you're a fan of desktop modding we have put together a collection of fantastic skin plug-ins for AIMP2, allowing you customise the media player to suit your look.

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text neon

Just listen to friends of the title above posts? Hhehe, I want in much less what the name says it like Text Neon Lights, but definitely later Textnya light that makes it interesting is the Text will light up one by one letter is not like most people who use a lot of Flash Fortext provided many internet sites will only slow down Loading blog because it had to call to the Url. 
If you are interested with Text Neon friend who uses this script friend can download the tutorial in this blog. To better know what the Neon Text it, I'll tell you like this Neon Text in question, and friends can download them. :)

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matrix background

Because there is my friend from bloggers anyone asked how the Son do you get the background matrix on a blog like yours? Therefore I will try to give tutorials to a blogger friend of all and just sharing, the tutorial I have explained in a simple but useful Notepad can Companion Download, Hhehe.

That is why when a friend interested in the background matrix friend can use this way, but whether the Matrix itself? The matrix is practically Hhehe background using random numbers that fall or are like Coding, good enough to be made to seem more interesting background and as an example image / Screen Shoot of these posts, if friends are interested friend can directly download the tutorial. Hopefully useful! :)

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Link dan banner sahabat i-SkyNet News


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Download Smadav 8.8 Rev

New Smadav antivirus for Oktober 2011 editions, we perhaps waiting for Smadav Rev 8.8, as we know last month with REV 8.7 SMADAV ANTIVIRUS new and refreshed IT security products far exceed PC standards and are suitable for all network nodes, yet make minimal demands on your network’s valuable resources. The optimized security systems are easy to deploy, administer and maintain, increasing your levels of security whilst significantly decreasing your total cost of protection. 

As a result, your business benefits from:

- Out-of-the box protection against all types of Internet threats
- Rapid response to new malware attacks
- Optimized and cost-effective security, licensing and purchasing that maximizes business productivity for less investment
- Centralized management
- Customer-focused, global and local technical support expertise

Smadav will Protect every workstation, laptop and smartphone in your network from all types of computer threats. Your data stays secure, meaning that you can keep working safety. Deploy ultimate network perimeter security with this world-class solution that provides multi-layered malware protection and control over all email, web traffic and network communications.
Smadav antivirus for Oktober 2011 Multi-site portable antivirus and home working means having users in different locations. Employ high-quality endpoint, mail server and group server protection that enables secure and fully accessible working from anywhere.

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winrar installer

Winrar installer is a program used to detect files ending in .zip or .rar because in a normal windows system files ending in .rar can not be detected, because by default Windows only detects files ending in .zip to the file archive.

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download games monster truck

Play outstanding Monster Truck game for free! Now you can become the driver of a massive monster truck. Sit behind the wheel, fasten your seatbelt and show everyone what you're made of: put these powerful beasts to the test! If you're a thrill seeker you'll love this hair-raising 3D race...the monster trucks await you! These enormous machines are capable of crushing everything in their path. You'll have barrels of explosives to deal with, high springboards and fiendish tracks. Rev your engine and jump over deep ravines to be the first to get to the finish...only the winners can advance to the next level and win new trucks! The faster you drive, the higher your chances of being one of the lucky ones to be awarded a medal. Put your foot on the gas and tear all your obstacles to shreds. You will find something new in this downloadable Monster Truck game! Don't forget to use nitro to overcome the track's tricky sections. You'll find all this in Monster Truck Challenge. Download and play for free Monster Truck game right now !!

A monster truck is a pickup truck, typically styled after pickup trucks' bodies, modified or purposely built with extremely large wheels and suspension. They are used for competition and popular sports entertainment and in some cases they are featured alongside motocross races, mud bogging, tractor pulls and car-eating robots.

A monster truck show sometimes involves the truck crushing smaller vehicles beneath its huge tires, such as smart cars and other tiny things. These trucks can run up and over most man-made barriers, so they are equipped with remote shut-off switches, called the Remote Ignition Interruptor (RII), to help prevent an accident if the driver loses control at any time. At some events, only one truck is on the course at a time, while most feature two drivers racing each other on symmetrical tracks, with the losing driver eliminated in single-elimination tournament fashion. The losing driver's car is also usually destroyed with- dynamite, fire, crushing machines, and massive explosions.

In recent years, many monster truck competitions have ended with a "freestyle" event. Somewhat akin to figure skating with giant trucks, drivers are free to select their own course around the track and its obstacles. Drivers will often try "donuts", wheelstands and jumps during this segment. Additional items for the drivers to crush, usually including a motor home, are frequently placed on the track specifically for the freestyle event. Other obstacles sometimes placed on the track include school buses and small airplanes.

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Download Deep Freeze Software

Deep Freeze is a kernel-level driver  that protects hard drive integrity by redirecting information being written to the hard drive or partition, leaving the original data intact. This redirected information is no longer referenced once the computer is restarted, thus restoring the system to its original state at the disk sector level. This allows users to make 'virtual' changes to the system, giving them the appearance that they can modify core files or even delete them, and even make the system unusable to themselves, but upon reboot the originally configured 'frozen' state of the operating system is restored.[citation needed]

To make changes, a system administrator must 'thaw' the protected partition by disabling Deep Freeze, make any needed changes, and then 'freeze' it again by re-enabling Deep Freeze. These changes become part of the protected partition and will be maintained after restarts. 'Freezing' and 'thawing' can be done at the workstation level or remotely via either the Faronics Core management platform or the Deep Freeze Enterprise Console. Users of the Enterprise version can also create virtual partitions called ThawSpaces (of up to 1 TB on an NTFS-formatted drive) to retain data on "frozen" hard drives after restarts.

Deep Freeze can also protect a computer from harmful malware, since it automatically deletes (or rather, no longer "sees") downloaded files when the computer is restarted. The advantage of using an application such as Deep Freeze antivirus / antimalware is that it uses almost no system resources, and does not slow your computer significantly. The disadvantage is that it does not provide real-time protection, therefore an infected computer would have to be restarted in order to remove malware

Deep Freeze only protects workstations in a "fresh-booted" state. That is, Deep Freeze prevents permanent tampering with protected hard drives/partitions across reboots, but user activity between restarts is not limited by the program. For example, Deep Freeze does not prevent application installation; a user can install a modified version of a Web browser (but seemingly harmless to the unknowing user) designed to secretly send users' passwords to a server connected to the Internet. As a workaround, Deep Freeze can be configured to restart after user logout, shutdown after a chosen period of inactivity, or restart/shutdown at a scheduled time in an attempt to ensure that no such installations are retained (as rebooting the system returns the system to its original, unmodified state).

Deep Freeze cannot protect the operating system and hard drive upon which it is installed if the computer is booted from another medium (such as an external hard drive, a USB device, optical media, or network server). In such cases, a user would have real access to the contents of the (supposedly) frozen system.[3] On a Windows-based computer, this scenario may be prevented by configuring the CMOS (nonvolatile BIOS memory) on the workstation to boot only to the hard drive to be protected, then password protecting the CMOS. This is a normal precaution for most public access computers. A further precaution would be to lock the PC case shut with a physical lock or tiedown cable system to prevent access to motherboard jumpers.

Deep Freeze can only protect hard drive partitions of up to a 2 TB capacity (using NTFS).

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Tiga anggota hacker Lulzsec mengaku bersalah atas penyerangan Sony dan NHS

Kembali lagi pengakuan dari salah satu group hacktivist didunia LulzSec yaitu Ryan Ackroyd, Jake Davis dan Mustafa Al-Bassam, mengaku bersalah atas satu tuduhan melakukan tindakan yang tidak sah untuk merusak pengoperasian komputer, bertentangan dengan Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana 1977.

Pada bulan Juli 2011 website Sun di hack dan pengguna kembali diarahkan ke halaman spoof yang palsu. Kesalahan mereka itu mengklaim bahwa Rupert Murdoch telah meninggal. Davis, dari Shetland, dan Bassam, seorang mahasiswa dari Peckham, London selatan, mengaku bersekongkol untuk menjatuhkan situs-situs pihak penegak hukum di Inggris dan Amerika Serikat, termasuk CIA dan Badan Kejahatan Serius Terorganisasi (SOCA).

Kelompok, sebuah cabang dari Hacktivists Anonymous, tapi Kedua LulzSec dan Anonymous mendatangkan malapetaka sepanjang 2011 dan 2012, menghack ribuan website, data offline dan pencurian dari perusahaan terkenal.

Para hacker dikatakan telah melakukan distributed denial of service (DDoS) serangan terhadap lembaga-lembaga penting dengan hacker lainnya yang tidak teridentifikasi milik kelompok online seperti LulzSec, FBI Anonymous dan internet.

Jaksa Amerika mengejar dakwaan terhadap sejumlah orang yang diduga terkait dengan kelompok hacking, termasuk wartawan Reuters Keys Matthew.
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Kisah para musafir islam

Pada zaman dahulu, ada tiga orang dari umat sebelum kita sedang berjalan untuk suatu hajat. Kemudian mereka mendapatkan sebuah gua yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berteduh. Lalu mereka pun masuk ke dalamnya. Namun tiba-tiba sebongkah batu besar dari atas bukit menggelinding dan menutupi pintu gua itu sehingga mereka tidak dapat keluar.

Lalu salah seorang di antara mereka berkata, “Sesungguhnya tidak ada yang dapat menyelamatkan kamu sekalian dari bencana ini kecuali bila kamu sekalian berdoa kepada Allah SWT dengan menyebutkan amal-amal shalih yang pernah kalian perbuat”.

Maka salah seorang lainnya mulai berdoa, “Ya Allah, aku mempunyai ayah ibu yang sudah tua renta. Aku biasa mendahulukan memberi minuman susu kepada keduanya sebelum aku memberikannya kepada keluarga dan budakku. Pada suatu hari aku terlambat pulang dari mencari kayu dan aku mendapatkan keduanya sudah tidur. Aku terus memerah susu untuk persediaan minum keduanya. Karena aku mendapati mereka berdua telah tidur, maka aku pun enggan untuk membangunkan mereka, dan aku juga tidak suka memberi minum susu itu baik kepada keluarga maupun kepada budak sebelum aku memberi minum kepada ayah bundaku itu.

Maka aku menunggu ayah bunda, hingga terbit fajar barulah keduanya bangun sementara anak-anakku menangis, mereka mengelilingi kakiku. Setelah mereka bangun, kuberikan minuman susu kepada keduanya. Ya Allah, jika aku berbuat seperti itu karena mengharapkan wajahMu maka geserkanlah batu yang menutupi gua ini untuk kami.”

Maka bergeserlah sedikit batu itu tetapi mereka belum bisa keluar dari gua tersebut.

Lalu yang lainnya berdoa, “Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku mempunyai saudari sepupu yang sangat kucintai. Aku sangat mencintainya sebagaimana lazimnya seorang lelaki mencintai seorang perempuan. Kemudian aku ingin berbuat zina dengannya tetapi dia selalu menolak. Lalu selang beberapa tahun dia tertimpa kesulitan, kemudian datang kepadaku dan aku berikan kepadanya 120 dinar, dengan syarat dia harus mau bersebadan denganku, dan dia pun setuju.

Ketika aku sudah berada di antara kedua kakinya, dia berkata, ‘Takutlah kamu kepada Allah dan jangan kamu robekkan selaput daraku kecuali dengan haq’. Maka aku meninggalkannya, padahal dia adalah seorang yang sangat kucintai dan aku telah merelakan emas (dinar) yang kuberikan kepadanya. Ya Allah, jika aku berbuat seperti itu karena mengharapkan wajahMu, maka berikanlah kami jalan keluar dari apa yang kami hadapi ini.”

Maka bergeserlah batu itu tetapi mereka belum bisa keluar dari gua itu.

Selanjutnya orang ketiga ikut berdoa, “Ya Allah, aku dulu mempekerjakan beberapa karyawan dan semuanya aku gaji dengan sempurna kecuali ada seorang yang pergi meninggalkanku dan tidak mau mengambil gajinya terlebih dahulu. Kemudian gaji itu aku kembangkan sehingga menjadi banyak.

Selang beberapa lama dia datang kepadaku dan berkata, ‘Wahai hamba Allah, berikanlah gaji saya yang dulu itu.’ Aku berkata kepadanya, ‘Semua yang kamu lihat itu baik unta, sapi, kambing, maupun budak yang menggembalakannya adalah gajimu’. Dia pun berkata, ‘Wahai hamba Allah, janganlah engkau mempermainkan saya.’ Saya menjawabnya, ‘Saya tidak mempermainkan kamu.’ Kemudian ia pun mengambil semuanya dengan tidak meninggalkan sisa sedikit pun. Ya Allah, jika aku berbuat itu karena mengharap wajahMu, maka berikanlah kami jalan keluar dari apa yang kami hadapi ini.”

Lalu batu itu pun bergeser dan mereka bisa keluar dari dalam gua dan meneruskan perjalanan.
Maraji’: Hadits Riwayat Bukhari No. 2272, Muslim No. 2743, dan Ahmad 2/116.
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Download Avast Free Antivirus

Installing Avast is a painless process that compares well against its free competitors like AVG, although--like those competitors--it's much slower than installing paid programs like Trend Micro, Kaspersky, or Norton.

Some items of note during the installation that will come up later in the review: to completely avoid the new Windows 7 and Vista desktop gadget, or the new WebRep browser add-on, you must choose the Custom install option and uncheck those here.

Automatic installation of these features is frowned upon, although Avast does provide a clear method for uninstalling them. It's just not as simple as a check box that gets its own installation window, since you have to go through the Customize menu, which makes the auto-install sort of surreptitious.

On the plus side, installing Avast doesn't require a reboot, and using its uninstall tool we detected no remnants in the Registry or on the desktop. Avast has said that the installer has shrunk for all three versions by about 20 percent, although it's still a large download at around 57MB for the free version.

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web hosting recommendation

Having the right kind of hosting account for your website is crucial to the success and sustenance of your online business. Making the wrong choice could result in loss of traffic, and several other server mishaps which ultimately decrease the value and reputability of your eCommerce efforts. Poor server management and resource allocation can cause anything from slow page loads to server crashes, and even decreased search engine ranking. Without the right kind of hosting, it is nearly impossible to have your website or blog perform optimally, especially as you begin to receive more daily visitors and update your site with content. If you want to make your website as successful as possible, then you’ll need to have access to the right kind of webhost services.

Most Recommended Web Hosting Services

Below are some of our best and recommended web hosting services according to our own experience on web development :

HostGator is a world leading provider of web hosting. Since 2002, company is privately owned and based in Houston, Texas. Since then, HostGator has grown from a small hosting company with just three servers into a world leading and industry recognized hosting provider with more than 12,000 servers under management. The over five million domains hosted by HostGator make up approximately 1% of the world’s Internet traffic. As a technology and product innovator, HostGator is able to provide its more than 400,000 customers with innovative products and services designed to complement their existing businesses. HostGator serves customers ranging from individual freelancers to Fortune 500 companies in more than 200 countries. The company is constantly working to improve and refine their service and support.
HostGator has earned a great number of web hosting awards. Their customers range from large sized businesses down to personal bloggers and HostGator supports each of them with care and professionalism. If you are searching for a place to start or grow your own website, Hostgator is what you are looking for. Competitive pricing plans, countless accolades, best technology, and top-notch support are the reasons why go with HostGator. If not ready to settle you can try a month with HostGator just for a penny. All of HostGator’s shared and reseller servers are powered and cooled by wind power generated in state of Texas.

BlueHost has been has been providing quality hosting solutions to thousands of business and personal web sites since 1996. Today, BlueHost has become one of the most recognizable names in the web hosting industry with over 1,000,000 domain names hosted. BlueHost has become well known for providing some excellent features and benefits at the low cost. Their technical support is ranked as one of the best on the market. BlueHost has placed themselves among the leaders of the web hosting world by offering unlimited disk space and monthly transfer on top of package that includes a free domain and site builder. Their professional Web Hosting plan includes all the features you are looking for at the best possible price.
Great customer service and excellent products is what really sets BlueHost apart from other web hosting companies. Let’s not forget their latest technologies that help businesses and individuals get high-powered service at a fraction of the cost. If you look around you might be able to find cheaper web hosting companies but with BlueHost you will get the best value for money. All of their packages are backed up by a 30-Day Money Back guarantee, so you can give BlueHost a try without losing a dime. At last, BlueHost is highly recommended and reliable when it comes in choosing a web host.

JustHost are dedicated to providing their customers with the most reliable web hosting service possible at the best possible price. Only $3.50 per month! JustHost is number one when it comes to web hosting, and it’s no surprise that it has grown into one of the most recognizable brands today. When it comes to the extra features that you get when you sign up, JustHost is unbeatable. Each plan comes with unlimited monthly transfer (bandwidth) and unlimited disk space, and you can host as many domains as you like with a single account. There are many additional benefits, such as a fantastic site builder, Fantastico and Google advertising credits. JustHost focus heavily on customer service and the quality and level of technical support is top-notch. On top of this, the pricing and value for money is excellent, which make JustHost the number one choice for many people.
Affordable price plans, secure servers, first class 24/7 technical support and a wide range of extra features make hosting your website with JustHost the logic choice. JustHost offers top quality product at great price. In terms of reliability, the load-balancing technology means that downtime is almost eliminated. The cpanel is easy to use and contains some great features which will keep all customers happy, whether they are new to web designing or an experienced professional. Customer support is excellent, and really sets the mark for other companies to aim for, and overall value for money is fantastic. By having unlimited amounts of bandwidth and disk space, you do not have to worry about changing your package every few months as your site expands. At last, JustHost offers 30-Day money back guarantee demonstrating the confidence in its products.

Inmotion Hosting is one of the best web hosts around and is the most popular among businesses for a secure and reliable experience. Established in 2001, Inmotion Hosting can be considered a veteran in the web hosting industry. Backed by a team of experts with diverse technical backgrounds, Inmotion Hosting focuses on the latest technology to provide the best reliability for a smooth experience.

HostMonster has been providing reliable hosting solutions to thousands of businesses and individuals since 1996. Their web hosting plan helps businesses and individuals get high-powered service at an extremely affordable price with unlimited bandwidth, unlimited disk space and an unlimited number of add-on domains. All of the above makes your website ready to use as soon as you have signed up.
HostMonster offers a great web hosting product that is second to none. Their web hosting is reliable and secure. When it comes to the control panel it is easy to use and contains some great features. Nevertheless, their customer support and value for money are some of the best in the industry. HostMonster makes customer satisfaction a big deal. Therefore, they offer a 24/7 technical support with average hold times less than 3 minutes. Choosing HostMonster as your web hosting company means you will be making a good decision.

Choosing a web host requires that you take an appraisal of your website, the technology used to create it, your web page elements and your future growth. You will also have to make room for emerging technologies and web trends. All of these scenarios require that you choose a web hosting provider with utmost care.

You will have to first compile all the above lists of hosts that meet your need and then sift them down to the one that best meets your need at the least price. In determining your ultimate choice, you are considering several factors, such as customer response time, reputation, server uptime guarantee, security and reliability. You are going to choose a host that will give you value for money and at the same time make you retain your hard won customers. So, happy developing website with a high quality web hosting :).
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